Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Chain Letters

Just sent an apology to a friend for breaking the link in a chain letter. I could have sent the message to six friends; the continuation of the chain was supposed to net 36 books for a person if they sent on the letter and their friends sent on their letters and so on. After a short debate, I decided that the next link was very weak and the chain would collapse completely at least on my end. Sad because someone starts these things with good intentions. In this case, no one was going to experience 7 years of bad luck if they did not follow through.

My friends are nice otherwise why would I call them friends but following up on a project like this is not likely. I support all means of communication but some of them have difficulty with one or more of them. I have learned the fine art of checking confirming plans. Once and awhile, I slip up and am reminded about making the extra phone call, e-mail, letter which ever works for that person. Some of you might find this shocking but I have friends who check e-mails every couple weeks or months. I think that they have missed the point of e-mail.

Back to the chain letter, (book project), this was the first snail-mail chain letter that I have received in a long time. I receive e-mail messages regularly but they are easy to deal with by just clicking on the appropriate list in the e-mail box. Not so difficult.

It would have been nice to receive the books and even more interesting would have been seeing where the books came from as the network of letters fanned out across the continent.

Oh well, maybe next time.

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