Sunday, April 29, 2012


Since I have returned to work, things have calmed down and there is very little that is different and exciting in my life. Today is good. I am off to Peterborough with some friends. We will have lunch and see a play. Nice.
The coming week is 5 days of work and 3 gigs. The first one is Tuesday evening and I will be playing with Zach at Princess Margaret Lodge. A good thing to do. Then the gigs that help pay for all my musical activity. You can read more about those activities on my Taffanel Wind Ensemble blog.
Hope that everyone has a good week.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Heart Attack

It nothing like a heart attack or serious illness to put life into perspective. A friend recently had a serious heart attack. He can not drive for a month, can only up and down the stairs once a day and walk the dog for 5 minutes. His spirits were not good today. This is hard. Some of his students spoke to me today. I suggested that it is time to send him their best wishes. Stop waiting to make the ultimate card. Send their thoughts and wishes for him now. As a person alone with their thoughts. It is easy to think that others have forgotten about them.
Time to remember people.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Woman dead for threes before discovery

Just read a newspaper article about a woman in New York who was dead for three years before she was discovered. The article asked why someone did not notice her bills weren't paid. I would assume that she had all her accounts on prepaid and as long as her account had funds the bills continued to be paid. Mail would pile up at her mail slot but that would not trigger any thoughts that something was wrong because no one would be checking.
This is a reminder to keep in touch with people and to keep triggers going that would let people know that something might be wrong. What a terrible incident.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Time to Reflect

Yesterday, as I was gathering up my thoughts about preparing to take students to play at a chamber music festival got some terrible news. The music department head at the high school where I supply had a heart attack. I found out after I returned from the festival that it was bad. I will be supplying for until the end of the month and have to find out if it will be longer. He had been so proud of how well he was doing. He had worked hard the past couple years to lose weight and to be fitter. Hopefully he will recover fully and come back to teach. Time will tell. In the meantime, time to think about things.
Hope that everyone has a good day.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Life is good

Not much to post that is new. I am playing tennis regularly. Off shortly to play my Friday singles. This afternoon, I have a gig with my trio which should be fun. It is in a new location in Aurora. We are branching out. This evening, I am going out for Chinese food which should be nice. Other than that, I am doing my usual computing which includes posting on my blog. I have not been good about doing this. Noticed that I am lucky if I manage twice a week. Please understand it does not mean that there is a problem. Just that there is nothing new. No new recipes which I should try to do. I am sure that you are not interested in how I play tennis.
Will try to find new things which is also good for me.
Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

George Brown College Restaurant

Today, I finally got the George Brown College restaurant. It was interesting. The students are working on menus that do not seem too difficult. Guess eventually the main courses will be as interesting as their appetizers which were excellent. Dessert was so so. But then again, I have gone to many restaurants and found that there is quite a variation.
What I and the person who I went with found was the drinks even if they were non-alcoholic certainly added to the bill.
Not sure if I would repeat the experience. Much like haircutting schools. The students need to learn skills and this is a good way to do it. Dessert was a real disappointment, the main was okay. Would be interesting to find out what level they are. First year or second. I would hope for more from second year chefs.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Easter

Hope that everyone is enjoying the Easter weekend. After a busy week of gigs, playing tennis, baking and computing time to relax a bit.
Enjoy time with family and friends.