Tuesday, November 11, 2008


As I work my way through the documents that I need to file as executor and also as Power of Attorney which I am going to invoke in order to fill out the documents that I know that my friend's wife is not capable of understanding and filling out, I am amazed at how organized we should be in order to aid others. One of the booklets that I was given by the funeral home should actually be given to people when they pre-plan their funeral and to people when the prepare their will. Lawyers and homes should give them out or charge a small fee for them. The booklet outlines very clearly what information will be needed and how to insure that your wishes are carried out.
Sad to think about this but I guess since I just found out that another friend has terminal cancer and is going to discuss how many months she has left with her oncologist , I am thinking about this.
I am also thinking about making sure that life is lived to the fullest. There is a great deal to enjoy. I won't bore you with a list and each of us has our own list but we should make sure that we enjoy the time we have-complete your bucket list.

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