Sunday, February 15, 2009

Stephen Wiltshire

If you want to be humbled in terms of your ability to observe the world around you, watch a show entitled "The Human Camera" about Stephen Wiltshire. an autistic savant, and his ability to draw the world around him. This show also demonstrates how he has learned to cope with the world that he works in as an artist. TVO ran the show tonight and instead of practising which I need to do, I watched this show with fascination. Stephen Wiltshire is one of about 100 savants who are known to researchers and others in the world. His special talent is art, some of the others are talented musically or mathematically. Watching this show about Stephen was fascinating as it demonstrated his skills as an artist and how he has grown as an artist and developed other skills in order to cope with the demands of the world.
Definitely worth watching.

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