Sunday, March 22, 2009

March, the month that tests us!

March is a month that tests us. In my opinion, we get excited about spring. March waits until we become complacent and then zap, a blizzard.
As I look out the window, the sky is blue, almost all the snow has melted, spring flowers are starting to break through the ground,I have seen the daffodils breaking the ground. I gave up on tulips, the squirrels think that I am providing a buffet for them. It is bad enough that they eat half the bird food. A friend's snowdrops are blooming which means that they have broken the ground and are flourishing. We are set- I have also seen younger people walking around in shorts- clothing that they will not think of wearing in a couple weeks when it is warmer. They will complain that it is too cold.
I am armed and ready, the boots have not been put away, snow tires are still on the car, snow shovels are handy. We are going to get snow. No one disagrees, we are just hoping that I am wrong. If you are having a lovely day weather wise, enjoy because you do not know what tomorrow will bring.

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