Thursday, July 9, 2009

Space Station

After last night, I know that it is time to get really good binoculars. We went outside to an open field and in this case it was a baseball field to watch for the space station. Luckily, Michael knew what time the space station was supposed to fly over. Right on time, it flew over and in the correct path. We could tell what it was because it was slight larger than the stars and also because it moved in a very defined path.
Apparently, it does fly by most nights but usually flies across the horizon and as a result we are not able to see it. Not sure why the flight path changed but it was certainly exciting for Michael.
I will be checking for those binoculars.
Fascinating. Wonder how long this station is supposed to continue flying. Just tried goggling for pictures and information but was not very successful. Will try again.

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