Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snail Mail vs phone call or even e-mail

Right now, I am busy trying to catch up with people. This means that I am caught up on other fronts. Which is better a quick e-mail- better than nothing but does it say that a person is being thought of? What if the e-mail is part of a large mailing and that fact is hidden by BCC? Better than not thinking of the person at all. Saves time and allows a person to touch base with many people at once!
Last night, I made a couple phone calls and they took me over an hour. Was good to talk person to person to my friends and I think we had a better chance to discuss the many things that have been happening to us. Allowed us to touch on topics that might not have come up in an e-mail.
I love snail mail but it takes time to prepare. However, I will try to prepare at least one piece of mail tonight.
Tonight is a quiet night which means practising and getting more mail done.
Wish me luck.

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