Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Twinkie dieter drops 26 pounds

Now this is a diet that I might consider. After 10 weeks on his celebrated Twinkie diet, Mark Haub has lost 26 pounds, sleeps better and has more energy.
He's been downing Little Debbie Twinkie and Zinger snack cakes steadily since August 25.
What started as a four-week experiment stretched to last Friday because the results were so good. Haub told the Star on Monday. Now that his weight has slipped inside the "normal" Body Mass Index range, he's working out a slightly more extravagant diet.
But Little Debbie will still feature heavily in it.
"My wife says she wishes I'd been like this the whole time we've been married," the Kansas State University nutrition professor says.
As the weight dropped off, he stopped snoring and burned off his new-found energy by doing chores around the house.
His cholesterol levels, once high fell to normal.
The secret, the 41 year-old Haub contends, is how much you eat, not what you eat.
A veteran of low-carb and low-fat diets, the 5-foot-10 Haub was 201 pounds when he gave up whole grains and meat for Little Debbie. A daily calorie intake of around 3,000 slid down to about 1,700.
"Basically, my diet was lactovegetarian," he says of his milk and junk-food regime.
"The message from the movie Super Size me was 'Fast Food is bad,' But that's taking it out of context. His rule was he had to eat everything. It's not the fast food, it's the amount.
He points out he is "physically and mentally improved by increasing what's not recommended and decreasing what is."
Interesting premise that it is the calories that count, not where they come from. Food is fuel and nutrients.

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