Monday, December 20, 2010

Cards from lost friends

Today, the cards that I was preparing were for friends who I had not heard from for quite some time. Does that happen to you? One of the people had not contacted me for quite a few years and now she has separated from her partner, I don't think that they got married and she wants to get together. I will wait for her to make the next move. I have sent a card in response. Strange after all these years, it has been since my retirement and I retired over 4 years ago.
Another person is a person I met at music camp a number of years ago. I had forgotten about her since we do not correspond during the year. Time to change that. She is a nice person who has had family problems the past few years. The same kind of problems that we all experience as our parents get older.
The third card today was from someone I have served on a board with for many years. All of sudden he has sent a card. Not sure why this happened this year. I did send a card in return. I try to do that when there is time and we do have 4 days of mail left.
Will be interesting to see what tomorrow's mail brings.
Actually, I forgot there was a fourth card for someone who I had not heard from since her wedding 2 years ago. I thought that I was no longer part of her life but it seems that love and marriage had taken over her life. Now she is thinking about others.
Will let you know if there are any exciting cards tomorrow.

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