Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Arts for Life

I am finally getting around to reading a booklet sent out by the Baycrest centre. It has articles about Arts for Life for one. The article mentions one of my favourite groups although I have only seen them in film, the vocal group from the film "Young at Heart". The point of the article is to discuss the research into the arts and aging.
I suspect that the finding will be that anything that keeps you thinking and alert helps in the aging process. We can not completely stop the aging process but we can help if we find ways to be creative. The arts are the obvious way to be creative. However, I suspect that writing and not because I do that as well as play music but it keeps you thinking, needlework, knitting, gardening if it is not the same pattern all the time, these all help. Things that keep the mental juices flowing.
I will look for those things. It is easy to just sit back and relax but dangerous as well. I remember the husband of an acquaintance spent his days in a shopping mall watching people. This did not last long and he passed away soon after retiring. Often wonder what would have happened if he found something creative to do. My father-in-law made steam engines and model boats. He was very good. Must keep my creative juices flowing.

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