Friday, March 25, 2011

Jewellery Designer teaches

A recent article in the Toronto Star on Small Businesses reported on a jewellery designer, Jennifer Shigetomi of Matsu Jewellery. It discussed her craft and the fact that she designs and hand-crafts her jewellery. What the article explained is that her jewellery is one of a kind and the skill and technique needed to create one of a kind pieces. It is hard for many people to understand that one of kind well made pieces are special and do cost more. In these days of Walmart and Ikea it is hard for some to understand that something well made does take time and there fore money. It also lasts longer although the same can not be said of jewellery.
Wonder how many articles like this need to be written before people understand or if they ever will?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Snow has arrived!

I have been saying for a couple weeks that we would have one more snow fall at least before the real spring and today, I have been proven correct. It was not too bad earlier but now the snow is becoming fiercer. In fact, apparently in the west end of the city it is bad and deep and now the snow has travelled here. I am beginning to question how wise it will be to go out to orchestra. I have not been able to go for a couple weeks but this evening is looking very iffy.
Sometimes, it is not such a good thing to be right.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How to do estimates

Starting to get estimates for the painting that we need done. Got the roof done last year and now it is time for the next project. Amazing how much work needs to be done. You never get away from it. I know people who live in condos and it does not get better there.
A university student is doing the first estimate for the company that he has a franchise with. Too bad he can't get some coaching. He is doing the estimate and it is taking a long time which is why I have time to work on the computer. Do not want to go too far away while he is working. He has been here for over an hour. Wow, too long, he must not have too many estimates to do. He has not learned, get the information, go home and do the estimate. With modern technology you can e-mail the quote. No reason to sit in some one's house and do it. He is also doing each little item. It is interesting but I know that the others will eye ball the job and give me a quote. No problem for them, they have been doing this for years and they will not take up so much of my personal time.
Things that people will learn. He has paid to be part of a company. I think that as a franchisee he is giving money to others who will do well. They will get students to pay them for the franchise. Sad to see this happen.
Will let you know how the quotes go. Found a window that needs replacing while getting the estimate. Another job to be done. This window is on the neighbour's side so I rarely look at it. Oh well, another job. The work is starting.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring is coming

I noticed that I have posted blogs about this before but the arrival of spring is wonderful. This is one of those special times that I just love. Went into the backyard yesterday and discovered a number of flowers coming up. Why didn't I do it sooner. Well, the snow was so high that I couldn't and also I was worried about the ground being too wet where the snow had melted. All is okay now. The snow is all gone and the ground is drying. Flowers are coming up. Time for me to start taking some pictures and showing you how spring is arriving.
Hope that things are lovely in your neck of the woods as well.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Canada Blooms

Today, I am off to Canada Blooms. I will be volunteering, doing merchandise Sales this afternoon. This morning, I will tour the exhibit and enjoy things before they get too crowded. A couple years ago, I thought that I would volunteer and then tour the exhibit. Big mistake. The exhibits were very crowded and I had trouble getting to each.
Talked to a friend last night and she reminded me that I love to have plants in the garden and that it is time to start begonias. Will see about getting some interesting tubers. Might get some other interesting plants. More on that tomorrow.
Won't take digital pictures because I do not have any place to safely store my camera while volunteering and I do not want to lose the camera. In addition, I think that Michael will be taking it to work to take pictures. Don't ask but he will take pictures for a course that he is going to leading.
I am off to catch the bus.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Sent the flowers to my friend who is not well. Happy to have that done.
While I was out doing that, I met someone who I played tennis with. She is no longer playing because her back is bothering her. We talked about my friends who are injured and ill and then got on the greater crisis, Japan. It seems that some people are really expecting the worst from this. She talked as if what is happening there could affect us all and that we need to live each day and enjoy it. Wonder how many others are feeling this way?
Certainly, the Japanese are worried. It seems that many are now evacuating Tokyo. Just watched the news. Who would have thought that this Asian Tiger would be affected so seriously?
I am certainly hoping that the news becomes more positive soon.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I just received an e-mail from a friend who I used to work with. I sent her an e-mail birthday wish since I missed the mailing date and I wanted to send greetings. I thought that she might be in the Maritimes helping to look after her parents who are elderly. Little did I know that she needs help. She had lung surgery in January and starts chemo in April. She has faced cancer before, this is in a different area. Tomorrow, I will call and also we, the group of teachers who all worked together will send flowers. It is the least that we can do.
I do not remember if I already posted a note about another person who I also worked with and I was playing tennis with last week. She fell during a break and broke her left wrist. Right now she is at home resting her wrist and trying to make sure that she does not jar the break.
My illness that I experienced a week and a bit ago seems minor in comparison. Makes me very conscious of how easy it is to have something happen.
Enjoy each day.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Earth quake

Woke up early this morning to the news of the earth quake in Japan. Oh my, what a horrible event. First of all, I can not imagine living in a country that regularly experiences mild quakes. This one is anything but mild. It will take time to evaluate the damage and we are still waiting for the tsunami to reach all its shores. The affect in Japan must have been devastating from what the pictures are showing.
It is at times like this that I am grateful to be living in a place that experiences mild tremors at the most and that happens occasionally. Not tremors with what I would describe as alarming regularity.
I am sure that there will continue to be news about this for the next while.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Broken bones!

Yesterday, we had quite a scare and one of us had a real scare. We were playing tennis and then we were looking at photos one of the players fell backwards. She broke her wrist. Wow, what an injury during what was an innocent moment. She was not going for an amazing tennis shot, or running and accidentally tripped. She was just quietly standing and then moved backwards and tripped. Makes you think about how easy it is to have something happen. She is going to be out of commission for quite sometime.
My goodness, I need to be very thankful that nothing has happened to me.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March came in like a lamb

Well, March came in gently but it will not go quietly. Last night, we had another snow storm. This one started after 11 p.m. and stopped early in the morning. It managed to deposit a few inches of snow and some ice as well. The rest of the day was lovely. I am hoping that tomorrow will be a nice day. Meeting a friend for a walk and lunch. That should be a nice break.
This coming week is going to be lovely, actually better than the March break. Lunch and walk followed by coffee with a friend on Monday; Tuesday a luncheon; Wednesday I am taking a course in entrelac knitting. Will tell you about it after I have had a chance to experience it. Then Thursday going to see a friends art work which is on display. That is part of the week there is more but that should be enough for now.
More tomorrow.