Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Winklevoss deal!

My goodness, there really Winklevosses and they lost to Mark Zuckerberg. The Winklevosses lost in court to Mark Zuckerberg and will only get $65 million. My goodness, if I got that amount of money I would be quite content. Interestingly, the courts ruled that the twins had received their fair deal since they were backed by sophisticated lawyers who made the best deal for them. I was fascinated that the Winklevosses are actually the good looking twins who went to the Olympics in 2008 and now among other things are following up on the deal they had made with Mark Zuckerberg. What I find interesting is that the twins deal was settled by the judge because they had expensive help who got the best deal that they could. Wonder what would have happened if they were not wealthy twins. Probably would not have gone to court since they could not have pursued the case due to lack of money.

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