Friday, August 12, 2011

House Painted

I could tell you about my adventures working with my student chamber players.They are doing really well but I will tell you about my house painting instead.
The house is being painted with red for the front door. This project was put off after last year when we ended with getting the roofing redone. The painting will be the last project of the year. All the trime is while and the front door will be red.
It seems that there is always something to do. Hopefully, once this is done the remaining projects will not be as serious: roofing, a new furnace after 25 years and the furnace is always more expensive for us since we have radiators, work done on the crawl space since we had a leak and the neighbours put in a new fence and we are sharing the cost. Want the invoice redone since it does not explain what was done at all. Interesting.
All the others were very clear. Wonder who the neighbour is getting to do the work.
Oh well, the new door will be nice.

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