Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Payment for job

I play in a number of music groups. It is interesting how they evolve and then things change. One of the groups that I am involved in is a large ensemble. The past two years we have had a conductor. Last year, the group had one performance after a summer of practise. This year, we had a number of performances at seniors homes and also a performance at a shopping mall and a gallery. During the summer, I contacted the conductor to firm up payment. He danced around the discussion and avoided saying anything about payment. Now that the season is over, it seems that we have two camps. I think that the conductor would be surprised the group does not want to simply give him all the money. The expectation is that group members get paid as well.
This is a lesson to the group. Need to get expectations set before starting. My how this group has changed over the years from a group that practised in a basement as one of the members said.
Might have more about this in the next few days.

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