Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Posts

What to post? I have a friend who stopped posting in January. In the post, she promised that she would be back on but that was not to be. It is hard to keep posting. Sometimes life is not that exciting.
Do you want to read about the e-mails that I sent, not very exciting I am sure. The tennis that I will play. I am okay but nothing great. Will not win any championships. I do have fun and as long as I am able to play a good game will continue. Need to exercise which is my main motivation.
I can tell you about the cleaning that I am doing. I am actually getting somewhere with it. Hard to believe that I promised myself that I would do a real serious cleaning when I retired. Well that did not happen. Have been too busy just enjoying myself and getting other things done. However, I have started doing some serious cleaning and will get to really getting things done over the next while especially when it gets cold and I do not want to go outside unless it is to shovel snow. Oh don't start too soon.
Getting the tires switched starting next week. Don't want to be caught in a line-up when the snow comes.
Will try to find more interesting things to write about.
Hope that all of you have exciting lives.

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