Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Interesting People

No time today to read the paper and magazines; will have to wait until I get home from playing wind quintets- wonderful way to spend time with friends who happen to play: flute, clarinet, oboe and french horn and I am the bassoonist in the group.
Today, I had the pleasure of attending a luncheon of retired teachers not something I am usually keen to do but I am have acquired a new position- programme coordinator- my name was put forward by a friend who I taught with over 30 years ago and who knows that I programme concerts at the McMichael Gallery of Canadian Art and Toronto General Hospital-Cardiac Unit. I will be programming some of my very talented students into the series. Good way for them to get paid for all their efforts.
It was interesting talking to the women at my table; one of them was 96 years old. I want to be just as with it and attending luncheons when I am her age. It was interesting hearing about teaching in one room classrooms- 9 grades at once and only 14 students on St. Joseph Island. Most of the group at my table taught kindergarten at some point in their career and they talked about classes of 35 to 40 students or over 60 with 2 teachers. Yikes! That would not happen today.
A fellow blogger would be interested to know that these women all meet to play Bridge once a month and were impressed with my friend Krista's daring, participating in a tournament. I suggested that it is a good way to meet other people even if you get a good thrashing game wise.
Fascinating what you can learn about people when you take the time.

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