Monday, March 10, 2008


I love interesting facts about things that have changed events even if in small ways. The potato is one of my favourites since there are so many unusual facts. I won't discuss its nutritional value today, but it is the complete food.

The potato was cultivated 4,000 to 7, 000 years ago, it was cultivated in the Lake Titicaca (love that word) region of the Andes.

In Europe, however its popularity was slow in coming. In the 17th century, Europeans considered the potato unhealthy and the work of the devil, and suspected it could spread leprosy. A committee of English and German scientists tried to promote it benefits, but in vain. Only a century later would the potato finally become appreciated.

A Frenchman by the name of Antoine Auguste Parmentier changed popular opinion on the humble tuber by means of a clever ploy. he had several acres of potatoes planted in the gardens of Louis XVI and brought in the army to guard the fields. Word got around that the soldiers were denying access to the crop because something truly valuable was growing in the fields. when Parmentier decided to remove the guards one night, thieves quickly made off with the potaotes. They realized that the spud was indeed fit for consumption. The news spread and thanks to Parmentier, we're able to enjoy this delicious vegetable today.

Who would have thought that trickery was needed to convince us to eat this ubiquitous vegetable?

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