Monday, August 18, 2008

New Garbage Bins

A bi-weekly holiday has been declared by the city! I just read the instructions that come with the City of Toronto's Garbage Bins- Wheel your bin to the drive-way on collection day. Place the bin on your driveway at 7 a.m. Place the bin at least one half metre (approximately 2 feet) away from the your Green Bin and with 3 metres of clearance above the bin. Wonderful- now all means of driving down the driveway have been blocked unless you are blessed with a double driveway and who in most of the city of Toronto has one of those?

During winter weather, try to find a clear place to put your bin. The collection crew will return it to that spot. Now what are those people who leave for work after 7 a.m. to do. Stay at home until the garbage is collected, take the transit? Who thought of this? Winter is going to pose a real problem. It is already difficult to manoeuvre the blue bin out to the curb without snow if a car is parked in the driveway.

I have a feeling that this like the rest of the bin project has not been thought through very carefully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good point Nora....I never even thought of the problems that winter and blue bins would hold. So far, Stouffville still has the "old school" blue bin.