Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rain,Rain everywhere!

Today, one of the papers lists 10 reasons to be grateful for rain. After more rain, I definitely had to find out the reasons I should be grateful:
1. Trees are greener and less stressed. Last year was very stressful for trees and humans as we waited and hoped for rain. This rain is good for the urban canopy!
2. Lake levels are up which means that shipping loads on the Great Lakes are up. Apparently each 1cm increase means an increase of 50 tons of shipping- good for all of us.
3. Air quality- the air is cleaner which is definitely good for all of us. Toronto has only had 10 smog-warning days so far.
4. Apples, Peaches and Pear are all going to be larger but there is a point at which the rain will be too much of a good thing. The 2008 pear crop should be double last year's. We now need heat and sunshine to increase the sugar content in the fruit.
5. Irrigation has been reduced due to the increased which is good and off sets higher fuel costs.
6. Forest Fires are down, the lowest season in 50 years!
7. West Nile Virus- there have not been any reported cases of West Nile in either humans or birds and only two mosquitoes have been reported with the virus.
8. Power consumption has been reduced because of the increased cloud coverage and the increased water levels have resulted in increased hydro power
9. Wildflowers are thriving and plants like ferns are thriving.
10. Gardeners are thrilled with the plants, trees that seemed to need replacement are recovering.
There are some draw backs but with so many positives I am not prepared to complain even when another one of my tennis matches gets cancelled.

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