Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Martha Henry and Trojan Women

On the weekend, we had the privilege of seeing one of the great actors perform at the Stratford Festival: Martha Henry who we have had the opportunity to see in a variety of productions including one of Michael's favourites Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. I don't understand why he likes it but am willing to attend performances of the play because he will come to some of my choices. Martha Henry performed the role of Hecuba in the Trojan Women.

It was an outstanding production. At the beginning, Poseidon and Athena make their entrance and discuss their plans for the Greeks who have just conquered Troy and now going to return to Athens and Sparta with the spoils of war. Athena looked like a Margaret Thatcher look-a-like; I don't think that was an accident. Martha Henry was the focus of the play, the tragic Queen who has lost all her sons most of her daughters and will be taken into slavery with the other Trojan women who have survived the slaughter of Troy after the Trojan horse is brought into Troy. Martha is able to convey emotion wordlessly and also the burden of what she has suffered emotionally and physically. Born in 1938, she is still a powerful actor on the stage.

I hope that we will be honoured with many more performances by Martha.

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