Sunday, September 7, 2008

National Grandparents Day

Today is National Grandparents Day! Who knew. I didn't until my trio, the Taffanel Wind Ensemble was asked to play at a seniors' residence this afternoon. As some people know, I do the seniors' residence circuit and see many levels of care. Our seniors' deserve a great deal of respect and care and some places are very good about this and others are shameful. I will not name places but take good care when trying to find a home for your grandparents.

I am in the process of helping two seniors find a nursing home for one and a seniors' residence for the other. The waiting lists are long for both and as you can imagine for the ones with a good reputation very long. I was quoted 4 years for one nursing home. The one good thing about Ontario that I discovered this week is that people are not charged for their care while in hospital waiting for a facility that is able to serve their needs. In Nova Scotia, people are charged $30 a day for care in the hospital while waiting for a facility that is able to accept them after they have been stabilized and have been in the hospital for 30 days. It is almost better to pick a facility that has a long waiting list (which generally means that the facility is more desirable and put off the impending costs).

Things to think about.

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