Thursday, December 11, 2008

Kissing: Is it Dangerous?

There are days when the newspaper is just a gold mine of fascinating information. I know that politics are important and I am certainly aware of the economy and sinking stock market and interest rates. Should we help those car companies that were the masters of their own fate and so arrogant about what they were doing that they ignored the competition? But this was too interesting to not post:

A young woman in southern China has partly lost her hearing after her boyfriend ruptured her eardrum during an excessively passionate kiss, local media reported. the twenty something girl from Zhuhai, in southern Guangdong province, went to hospital completely deaf in her left ear, the China Daily said, citing a report in a local newspaper. "The kiss reduced pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out and caused the breakdown of the ear," the newspaper quoted a doctor as saying. In about two months the woman's hearing likely will return. "While kissing is normally very safe, doctors advise people to proceed with caution," the paper said.

Now that will make some people think before they pucker up!

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