Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Cards

I have finished nearly all of my mailed Christmas cards. Have a couple left to do. This happened because I was away at a camp and one of the ways that I passed the time was to address Christmas cards. They were nearly all done by the time it was time to head home. Finished the last of them on Wednesday when I wrote up the Yearly update. That is always interesting to look back on the year and figure out what was important. The remaining cards are because I needed to check a partner's name or other information like that.
Now that I am done, I love receiving cards. Interesting to see how other people are doing. I actually enjoy the updates. Some peoples lives are very good but others are more honest and discuss the difficulties that they have encountered.
Received two cards today and yesterday received one from someone who usually sends her cards in the New Year. That was a surprise.

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