Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas letters

I have finished my Christmas cards and am now planning the menu for Christmas dinner. One of the interesting aspects of doing cards was sending yearly updates to people we do not see very often. What to include in the letter. A year is such a long time and what will interest people. Hard to believe that a year has passed since the last letter. People have passed away, Charlie over a year now, Ruth, who I looked after and who passed away last May. Some births which is lovely, Andria who I am replacing at school had twins which is lovely. They are 6 months old now and they are developing personalities. My tennis buddies are an ever changing group (thinking of this group since I will leave to play tennis in less than an hour), the trio which seems stable now and orchestra. Michael and I will go out with the violin duo. Lovely that they make music together.
I think that I will plan for next year's update starting January 1st. Will see what happens if I do that and how long those plans will last.

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