Monday, January 25, 2010

It may matter what hand you are dealt!

It seems that what you hand favour may make a bigger difference than first thought. Children who are mixed-handed are twice a likely to have language difficulties, scholastic problems and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) according to new research.
The survey of almost 8,000 children over eight years is the latest evidence that non-right-handedness is bad for you, an aberration likely caused in equal measure by prenatal stress and genes that fail to express themselves.
Previous science has linked left-handedness to all kinds of pathologies from minor ailments such as allergies, migraines and eczema to autoimmune diseases such as Lupus or Graves, and cognitive deficits such as ADHD. There are also man-make risks, especially among operators of heavy machinery designed for right-handers, although many of these have been easily remedied in recent years with dual control panels.
The effect is so strong that there are separate drug dosage guidelines for lefties and righties with immune system problems, including AIDS, from which lefties seem to deteriorate quicker.
Who would have believed that the use of the left hand for some tasks could result in medical issues not just the inconvenience of living in basically a right handed world.
Being left-handed is not bad for everyone.
Here are some lefties:
U.S. President Barack Obama
Former U. S. Presidents Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush
Marylin Monroe
H. G. Wells
Robert de Niro
Goldie Hawn
Angelina Jolie
Bruce Willis
Julia Roberts
Sarah Jessica Parker
Oprah Winfrey
A list I would not mind be part of.

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