Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sleeping ticket taker

What a storm a sleeping ticket taker has generated! His image was posted on face book and other sites. The important part is that he generated a great deal of discussion. Unfortunately, he has not become a symbol of what is wrong with Toronto's transit system because some groups are supporting his situation. An article in a local paper discussed the Japanese system which sounds idyllic. They have people to greet passengers and help them on their way. Granted we would not want that in every station but there are stations that could afford to have someone help. There are also people to help passengers access wheelchair platforms and generally make the trip safe and comfortable.
Apparently, W. Edwards Deming went to Japan after the war and taught the Japanese how to improve their systems. Perhaps, we need a Deming to help with our transit system. This will also require that the government be prepared to offer some money to help. Apparently, Toronto is one of the few transit systems that does not have different levels of government help with financial support.
Hopefully some good will come out of the discussions.

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