Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guerrilla Gardening

What a beautiful example of guerrilla gardening. A riot of colour is blossoming on Kingston Road as the article mentions. Take time to look at the article and see the flowers. Wonderful that someone has done this.

A gorgeous swath of tulips has sprung up along the north side of Kingston Rd., west of Manse Rd.JACK LAKEY/TORONTO STAR
By Jack Lakey The Fixer
A riot of colour is blossoming on Kingston Rd., but finding the flowers is easier than the people who planted them.
Drivers may have spotted a glorious blaze of yellow and red tulips along the north side of Kingston Rd., west of Manse Rd., that’s been an unexpected delight this spring for people who live in the area.
It stretches for nearly 100 metres on what looks like city property, in front of the Grand Motel, and is a breathtaking contrast to an otherwise drab stretch of suburban streetscape.
Robyn Brooks emailed to say she’d like to extend a “huge thank you” to the gardeners, if only she knew who they are.
“My husband and I often walk from our home down to the Starbucks at Kingston Rd. and Morningside (Ave.) and were so delighted when these flowers suddenly appeared,” said Brooks.
“There are probably a thousand stunning flowers in a beautiful arrangement, but I don’t know who planted them. Could you please figure out who it was?”
We started at the Grand Motel, which has a small patch of tulips in its garden, thinking the much bigger bed might be theirs, too. A young guy at the counter named Jan shook his head, saying he had no idea how they got there.
A phone call to the office of Councillor Paul Ainslie (Ward 43, Scarborough East) came next. If the city planted them, we thought the local councillor or someone who works for him would know.
Ainslie’s executive assistant, Antonette DiNovo, didn’t know if the city planted them but said Residents Rising, a community group that takes on neighbourhood improvement projects, had planted flowers not far from there, and may be responsible for the tulips.
It indeed sounded like it could be have been them, but Sandra Hutley, president of Residents Rising, said they planted daffodils at a nearby location, but didn’t think the tulips are theirs.
So far, we’ve struck out. If anyone knows who’s responsible, let us know, so we can thank them.
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