Thursday, August 19, 2010

Work to be done

Checked when I last posted and wondered what have I been doing? Well one of the things that has taken my time is working with students who are playing chamber music for seniors and shut-ins in hospitals. Today they are going to perform at Sunnybrook K-Wing. These students are outstanding and while I live by the philosophy "keep them busy keep them off the street", these students would not be on the street, they would be doing something else to occupy their time. I have no concerns about them. Although after last night's performance at a church, some of them were going home to watch America's got Talent. Now that is an interesting choice.
The other thing that I am doing besides playing tennis and playing music myself, I play in an octet/dectet which is going to perform tonight, I am working on booking home repairs. Finally booked the roof work that we need and then it is time for the tree work and painting. There is always something that needs our attention. Amazing that abandoned homes stay standing at all.
Hope that everyone is doing well. Time to practise for tonight.

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