Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Habits for success

It is interesting how some people believe that being spontaneous is the answer to how to do things. I believe that as much routine as possible is best. Now, I do believe that some spontaneity is good but not planning anything is bad. I realize that sometimes, life gets in the way and it is not possible to keep up habits. Sometimes, it is necessary to deal with the road blocks and problems that life puts in the way but as much routine as possible is good for success. I read an article about Michael Phelps and how routine was part of his habits from what he would eat to warm-ups and focus on the race in his case. The interesting part of the article points out that it was tiny moments of success that were important and that they built up a bigger picture of success.
Will be interesting to see if these routines hold up at the London Olympics this summer.
In the meantime, I will try to continue to build my routines and decide what successes I want in my life.

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