Friday, July 30, 2010

Musicians and brain waves

Apparently, musicians who play in unison with others have similar brain activity, according to a new study from researchers of the Max Planck Institute in Germany and the University of Salzburg. The study show that the brain waves of guitarists playing a jazz song together were synchronized.

Eight pairs of guitarists were hooked up to an electroencephalography machine, which measures electrical activity in the brain. The results showed that the more the guitarists played, the more synchronized their brain waves became. Several regions in the brain reflected this synchronicity. The areas where it was the strongest were the frontal and central regions. Other areas affected were the temporal and parietal regions.

BMC Neuroscience, who published this study, suggests that coordinated activities that people do together, like playing music, are preceded and accompanied by brain wave synchronization. The authors say there are many types of activities where two brains coordinate-for example, walking with someone at a set pace, playing sports, dancing or playing music as a group or duet.

To see a video clip of the experiment, visit:

Interesting study. Wonder the long term implications are of these types of activities? Further thought needed about this as well as research.

New Audiences for the price of a coffee

It seems that some orchestras are trying creative ways to reach audiences. The New World Symphony, a training orchestra in South Beach, Miami is no exception. For $2.50, pocket change that would barely cover the price of the wash and dry cycle at a local laundromat, or a latte at some coffee emporiums, the symphony offered mini concerts in November and April. Wonder why they picked those months?
Each concert ran 20 to 30 minutes and listeners heard a reduced version of the orchestra in the form of a clarinet quintet that played Mozart, Handel and Brahms and Bartok in the symphony's Lincoln Theatre home. Dress was casual, so patrons in flip-flops and shorts could attend a concert without the fear of being turned away or forced to wear a rental jacket.
What a wonderful idea but what does this do for the symphony? Hopefully, it will encourage some of these patrons to reconsider their musical choices.
April's concert brought in more than 900 listeners.
"We intend to lower the threshold for everyone who passes our theater," says Howard Herring, president of the New World Symphony orchestra academy.
Certainly musicians need to look at new ways of reaching audiences. Hope that this works.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Luthier, Linda Manzer

Now, that I am officially retired from teaching, I am looking for other possibilities. One of those possibilities will not be Luthier. Recently, I read an article about people whose careers are outside the norm: fireman, teacher, Indian Chief.
Linda Manzer is a master Luthier who builds guitars for the likes of Bruce Cockburn, Pat Metheny, Carlos Santana and Liona Boyd. Quite the rooster of guitarists. Manzer's reputation has spread world-wide and she builds guitars for a select few. She is so busy that she has closed her public order book and only works for on special projects which keeps her quite busy.
Now that is an interesting career opportunity.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jellyfish to solve Alzheimer's

Amazing, after 15 years of watching jellyfish protein glow, Mark Underwood is finally seeing the flicker of real progress.
This month, Quincy Bioscience, the Wisconsin company co-founded by Underwood, received a U. S. patent for the jellyfish protein aequorin.
Last month, they released test results that showed the protein does improve memory.
This fall, they're trying for the gold standard: human clinical trials on people with the first stages of Alzheimer's and dementia to see if, finally there is something that works on a disease that destroys millions of aging minds.
Tests reported that people who "had a memory concern" saw better scores in 60 days of taking the jellyfish protein.
What a wonderful thing if this group finds a cure for Alzheimer's. "If we can push Alzheimer's back by five years, we can reduce it by 50 per cent. The challenge is keeping the brain alive."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Music Therapy

Wonderful to read about medical cures that are non-intrusive. I know that this is not always possible but marvellous when it happens. Music Therapy is one of those medical therapies that does not require any actual medical interventions. It is for those who can not be reached any other way or to help patients on their journey. Sometimes, patients have few resources left except to enjoy music and what it can bring to their lives. It is fascinating that music is one of the last skills that leaves us. Drum circles seem to work well with many patients. And sometimes, patients can even work at higher level musical skills. What a wonderful opportunity to be able to help. Read about these therapies in an article: Empowering Souls, Music Therapy unleashes imagination to heal. The article in an older issue of Making Music, July/August 2009.
Perhaps, this is one of the reasons that the Taffanel Wind Ensemble, a group that I am part of enjoys playing at seniors' homes so much. We are able to bring something special to people's lives.
(You can read more about the trio on )

Monday, July 26, 2010

Laptop launches author at 80

Now that I have more free time, some friends have encouraged me to do more writing. Well, I discovered what might help. A laptop. It seems that author, Liam Dwyer who started on his 80th birthday received the impetus to work on books when he was given a laptop for his 80th birthday. Since then he has written 5 books, mysteries that take place in Muskoka. Apparently, he has sold more than 4,000 copies of the book at Sleuth of Baker Street which is one of my favourite book stores.
As well as selling books, a film company is now looking into filming his books as a television series.
Time to get that laptop.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


As I reflect on my issues, my problems seem minor to those of some friends. I need to find a roofer and that search is nearly over. We will be picking a roofer on the weekend and then getting the work set. As I look for a roofer, I begin to realize that it is a very competitive field, perhaps because people think that it is easy that they can do it. The margins are similar, with the exception of one company, all the others are coming in at relatively the same amount. The difficult part is to decide which company I feel most comfortable with.
After the roof is painting. Now one company that I am not eager to deal with is one that called me last night and it sounded like they were yelling at me for not calling back after they had told me they were on a cell in the car. Don't yell at a potential customer. It is not their fault that you were in the car and not able to answer your cell. I will certainly pick a company with someone who I can talk to. I understand that things might happen and want to be able to discuss what might have gone wrong or needs extra attention.
After that, I think that it is the fence that needs attention among other things. There are plenty of projects to be dealt with.
This is all easy because I can set time lines. A good friend is experiencing many difficulties which seem to be hitting him one after another. The most recent is that his partner had a car accident when he blacked out. The car was totaled which is a serious problem. The car was old so it is unlikely that they will get much from the insurance company and in fact the insurance company may argue that my friend's partner should not have been driving due to his medical history. This is an issue that he can not deal with right now. His partner is in emergency and has been for two days. There does not seem to be room in the hospital proper at this time. Hopefully today will be a better day.
His partner was driving because he wanted to be part of the search for his brother who went missing a couple days ago with two dogs. One dog turned up and the other has not been seen and the brother has not been seen as well. The searchers did a grid search yesterday and will keep searching today.
This is all much more difficult to deal with. Roofing and painting are simple.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Busy Day!

Yesterday was a very busy day. I got up: dry cleaner, followed by a quick trip to the local farmers' market. Love those ever-bearing strawberries. They are wonderful. Home and then time for some tennis. Managed to get in an hour and half of tennis and then it was time to shower, change and head up to the school. Students who were going to perform were waiting. Most of them had checked the schedule and were there at 12. One of the students somehow managed to be late and in fact needed a call to let him know that we were all waiting. The students performed really well for the seniors. I was very proud of them. After getting them back to the school and some of the students went to other stations, I drove home quickly. Did not break any speed limits. Not interested in getting a ticket. Time for a quick dinner and then it was off to octet. Good rehearsal. By the time, I got home it was time for sleep.
Today was a much quieter day. The most strenuous thing that I did was purchase a new door mat. Got two more estimates for roofing and painting. The roofing estimates are done. The painting estimates have just started. Of course I played tennis but that doesn't count. I need to play. Time to get in shape.
Hoping that tomorrow is more relaxed.

Monday, July 19, 2010

A year of Food Life

I love to read which is why every once in awhile, I will mention a book that I am reading. The latest is Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, A Year of Food Life by Barbara Kingsolver. It is an interesting read. Right now the author is writing about making cheese. I believe in the 100 mile diet, not a bad idea in principal and I try to do it as much as possible but making cheese that is going further than I am prepared to go. I find it fascinating reading about all the work that she and her family do to prepare food but when does she write? Hoping that she will explain that. I believe in making food myself as much as possible but cheese?
Recently, Michael and I decided that we are going to eat out less. It seems that food at restaurants is not that exciting. We can do better in most cases. It is time to explore new recipes but I can tell you that we will not be making any kind of cheeses soon.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Honest business person

Today, I came across an honest business person. Recently, I had a slip of paper put in the door saying that some of our brick work needed attention. Well, that is definitely down on my list of priorities but I had a few minutes to see about getting an estimate done. Well this person looked at the brickwork and said he did not see what needed to be done. No sale and he was not unhappy, just concerned that others with his firm had suggested that work needed to be done. Wow, so nice to finally come across some who is honest. Hopefully there will be more.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More estimates!

Had another estimate this afternoon. It was interesting, this person knew about the quirks of the other companies. Waiting for his estimate which will come by e-mail. Much better than a sit down meeting-he will e-mail the estimate and pictures. Wonders of technology. Have one more inspection and then we make a decision.
Will let you know what the decision is.


Now, that summer has arrived, it is time to get some work done on the house. We are starting at the top and working our way down. The roof is first. So far, I have actually received two estimates and they differ by $10,000. Now that is significant. I am asking people who they have had do work. Just talked to a neighbour who I am subbing for in tennis and got her roofers name. Will call and hopefully get them to do an estimate soon. Who would have believed that the estimates could differ so much.
Another person is insisting that my husband and I both sit down with him to discuss the estimate. Mentioned that to my husband and he was surprised. He trusts me. Surprised that contractors are so sexist, at least some of them.
Talked to a friend and she is getting fence work done and the company does not have a phone. I would not deal with anyone who does not have a phone.
Will let you know more about the exciting work.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Where have all the leaders Gone?

With all the hot weather that we have experienced, I have been reading to keep cool. Too hard to do strenuous activities. It is finally a little cooler and we are going out for breakfast which should be lovely.
One of the books that I read was "Where have all the leaders gone?" by Lee Iacocca. I don't necessarily agree with a career that was built on making cars that consume incredible amounts of gas and only now that there is a shortage is he willing to reconsider the cars however he raises interesting issues about leadership. He does explain that he could not run the country because as a business leader he is not used to the give and take of politics. He is used to making a decision and having it implemented.
The book is worth a read to find out how he built a career. He does seem to be a decent man and he cared about his first wife who passed away much too soon a consequence of her diabetes.
Looking into some other books that I will let you know about.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Heat Wave

It is well and really summer. The heat wave has arrived on schedule. Michael and I always say that the second and sometimes third week of July is the week for extreme heat. I find that if I work in the basement it is not too bad. Good chance to get caught up on phone calls and appointments- have roofers coming over for appointments, plumbers- need them to come for a second appointment, different problem, then the tree people need to come to see about taking down a tree. Those are the main things and I am sure that I will find a few other things that need attention.
I think that those people who love to sit and have a drink on a patio are happy at least that is what one radio host said this morning.
Enjoy the heat because as I am fond of saying in the middle of winter, we will remember these days.

Monday, July 5, 2010

What next?

Now that the summer has finally arrived, I am setting up new routines. One of these is doing some cleaning everyday. I think that eventually I will get caught up. My goodness that will be amazing. Will definitely post a blog about that and might even post pictures of the results.
What I do find interesting is my computing files. I certainly did not get around to doing the writing and other computing that I wanted to do last year while I taught. Hard to believe that a whole year passed. I was surprised when I checked my files. I think the fact that I tried to be at school by 8 every day and picked up a newspaper, mailed my mail each day added to things that needed to be done. It was hard to work at my computing since I was interrupted regularly during lunch and my break. Oh well, it was for a good cause.
Right now, I have a plumber roting the bathtub. I certainly hope that he is able to take care of the problem by roting. Do not even want to think about what else might need to be done.
Going to practise my instrument more now that school has finished. I am pleased that I did as much as I did but now want to really get back at it.
Will keep you posted about future activities which include going out for lunches.

Banjo Museum

Did you know that there is a banjo museum? I certainly would not have known if I didn't read Making music magazine. It has information about a variety of instruments and encourages adults to become involved in music in whatever way they can.
The museum is in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. It was founded in 1998 with the donation of 60 ornately decorated four-string tenor and plectrum banjos by Jack Canine. The museum recently acquired a million-dollar collection 0f 200 jazz-age banjos from a private German collection. Who would have thought that there would be a collection of over 200 banjos.
Apparently the banjo has been around for 350 years in the United States.
The museum honours historical and contemporary banjo performers. Wonder if the museum honours Steve Martin who plays the banjo? The induction into the Hall of Fame happens in April and is followed by the Bricktown Banjo Bash which should be something to hear.
The museum also sponsors classes in hopes of keeping banjo playing alive.
Wonder if there is a bassoon museum? Should check.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Farmers' Markets

Now that school is finished, it is time to enjoy the summer and one of the things that I love doing is going to the Farmers' Market to get fresh produce. My favourite is the ever bearing strawberries. Discovered those a couple years ago. They are strawberries that keep bearing fruit until the first frost, oh wonderful. I love fresh fruit especially berries. Blueberries are a good price right now and will be around for a few weeks.
Will let you know what I discover at the market. A number of sources all list the many places that provide fresh produce, hopefully they are all good. Going to make it a mission to try more than my usual haunts.

Table manners

It is a vast chasm culinary that separates the English and Americans. I subscribe to only one magazine now since I have enough trouble keeping up with all my reading-I borrow from the library, and friends exchange books and I purchase the occasional book. It seems that I always have a backlog. This magazine explains that not only do we differ in our use of liquors but also cutlery and cuisine. Tea time which for those of us on this side of the ocean is a small meal in the afternoon is a major meal in England.
British cuisine has changed with the arrival of top-selling cooks like Jamie Oliver. However, the article that I read waxed on joyously about tea at a special hotel. One of these days I will make my way across the pond and try a real English tea.
Do read the latest issue of Victoria magazine and learn about tea and other lovely Victorian decorating ideas. It is a lovely calming magazine.
I read three daily newspapers so I am not ignoring the world and what is happening around me.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Young @ Heart

Today's paper had an article about Young @ Heart, a vocal ensemble based in Northampton, Massachusetts. The ensemble is composed of members who are all over 70 years of age and led by Bob Cilman who has worked with the group since 1982. None of the original members are part of the group for obvious reasons.
The group will perform in Toronto on July 10 as part of the Just for Laughs festival. I am not sure that the group is a comedy act although some parts are very touching and will bring tears and laughs to the audience.
This group is still enjoying life. Jeanne Hatch, 83 commented that "I've been to Europe 12 times and had the time of my life". Now that is how life should be lived. Having reasons to get up in the morning.
I won't be seeing this group but certainly there are life lessons to be learned. Let's see if we can not all be Young @ Heart.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Canada Sings

Neighbourhood Singalong's are the newest attempt to get everyone involved in music, at least singing which is much easier than playing an instrument. is the site for this venture. I have not checked and maybe I should have so that I could see how much is happening across Canada.
In Toronto, the second Tuesday of each month, there will be neighbourhood singalongs. There will be guest choirs and next May the group is hoping to have Jim Cuddy, singer and songwriter of Blue Rodeo.
Oh, just checked and found that the group is also encouraging random acts of singing. Wonder if the group's effort will be posted on you-tube?
What a wonderful idea. Hope that it takes off.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day. What a lovely day it is here. The clouds have left the sky, it is time to get out and garden. Having a good day. Just watched a Wimbledon Match-Serena Willams against Kvitova, an up and coming player who will do well. Finished a book, not happy but the ending does give hope. The book is "Eating Pomegranates" and I received it after winning along with others a draw held by Random House publishing. The book was sent to the first hundred who replied to an e-mail. Who knew. I will keep responding to e-mails and hopefully win some more books or tickets would be nice.
It is now time to go outside and get some gardening done. I am hoping to get some gardening done each day and make the garden flourish. There is much to be done. Will post pictures once I get some more clearing done.
Have a wonderful day.