Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Busy Day!

Yesterday was a very busy day. I got up: dry cleaner, followed by a quick trip to the local farmers' market. Love those ever-bearing strawberries. They are wonderful. Home and then time for some tennis. Managed to get in an hour and half of tennis and then it was time to shower, change and head up to the school. Students who were going to perform were waiting. Most of them had checked the schedule and were there at 12. One of the students somehow managed to be late and in fact needed a call to let him know that we were all waiting. The students performed really well for the seniors. I was very proud of them. After getting them back to the school and some of the students went to other stations, I drove home quickly. Did not break any speed limits. Not interested in getting a ticket. Time for a quick dinner and then it was off to octet. Good rehearsal. By the time, I got home it was time for sleep.
Today was a much quieter day. The most strenuous thing that I did was purchase a new door mat. Got two more estimates for roofing and painting. The roofing estimates are done. The painting estimates have just started. Of course I played tennis but that doesn't count. I need to play. Time to get in shape.
Hoping that tomorrow is more relaxed.

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