Before I leave the computer and start practising my bassoon which I need to do since I have rehearsals with four different groups this coming week-Monday, I am subbing for someone with Counterpoint orchestra; Tuesday, I am rehearsing Mozart's Gran Partita with a group that is going to perform the work at Toronto Island next Sunday afternoon; Wednesday is orchestra and we have a concert at Grace Church on the Hill June 7, should be excellent and Thursday, my trio the Taffanel Wind Ensemble is preparing for a busy June, I am going to think about knitting and the person whose colour work I love: Kaffe Fassett, http://www.kaffefassett.com/knitting.htm. I am posting an example of the kind of colour work he promotes. He also does needlepoint- (I will do one of his tapestry's one of these days) and quilts.
I would love a sweater like this, just do not have the patience to work on it. This is the kind of eye candy that I love, non-caloric.
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