Thursday, May 29, 2008


Does any else live by lists? I have a so called bucket list and was able to cross off one of the items in January when I finally got to see manatees in the wild on our trip to Florida. What a thrill! My list also includes many places I hope to visit. Hopefully, rising oil prices will not make it impossible to cross off more items on the lifetime list.

I also have that daily list of to do.The question is should the list be a set of post-its that I can transfer to next day when an item does not get done or a list that I just add to and cross off completed items. That might become depressing since some items seem to stay on the list for a long time. I do want to get to them but sometimes something more pressing or exciting comes along and demands my attention. For example, I have some plants in pots waiting to be planted; first cold weather stopped me, then rain and now it is just lack of time. I have managed to get most of them in the ground and am looking forward to eating grape, roma and regular tomatoes from the garden and oh did I mention yellow tomatoes. Herbs will be put in a large pot today before I head into the house and do some practising.

Hopefully, none of those people who think that I am incredibly organized will read this and I can maintain the illusion of absolute control and organization up for a while longer.

( Now, I can cross of prepare blog entry from my daily to do's list!)

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