Friday, May 30, 2008


Just got back from completing a memory study at the Centre for Mental Health. A researcher is doing a study about memory in schizophrenics and needs a comparison group to create some baseline numbers. I did this for 6 hours with breaks of course. Was interesting because at the end of the day, I could still remember a short story that I had heard early in the day; especially all the important details but some of the lists of random words started to bore me. I was not concerned that I did not remember all the words. Numbers also. I must say that I found boredom a factor in terms of memory. Facts came easily but does anyone remember the speed of light? I know that I knew that fact when in school but lately it has not been a concern. I do know that light travels much faster than sound and that planes travel fast enough to stay in the air.

Funny, if you mention to people that you are involved in a memory study they will tell you t that they are worried that they are forgetting things. We all do but have to remember to keep the grey matter active. One thing that certainly helps is just trying to remember all the pass words that I have logging on to all the sites that I am connected to.

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